Monday, September 29, 2008

Who's Holding the Bucket for the Bailout

This situation is a Financial World War II. Only this time, we are Europe and they are us.

We have been invaded by an insidious nationalistic propaganda that has deluded us all to the point of collapse. Our own people can't seem to stop the invasion because the masses are against them. We need someone to step in and stem the tide.

Unfortunately, this war doesn't involve boats or bombers or soldiers: it's about cash and credit. We need one or the other (or both, if you please), and the only thing we've got as collateral is an outstretched hand and a request for past favors returned to us.

If other markets demand liquidity, America will crash and bleed out like an Ebola patient. Other nations might like to think there won't be a domino effect, but the truth is that the more those dollars are pushed back, the more they drop and the less they give back as everyone scrambles for the exit. If our country won't nationalize its financial system by buying it up (and that statement alone tells you how bad off we are), then we need to outsource our credit to willing buyers.

Is this the Global Economy we've been waiting for?

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